Road-trip to Finland
After a short night at the Icehotel it is time to head to the third country of our journey. Everybody is a bit slow due to lack of sleep so we set out for a good breakfast with lots of coffee. Then we drag all our luggage from the lockers to our car. But before we depart we take a small walk to the lake where the Icehotel takes all its ice from.

The ice-blocks they use for the hotel are unbelievably big and clear. The lake is at the back of the hotel and is also used as a easily accessible area to start dogsleds from. But when we saw another group depart we were very glad about the tour and place that we’ve booked ours. Here they just put three people on a sled and set of, no bonding or real interaction with the dogs themselves. And only sitting on a sled without actively steering or braking sounds not only boring but also extremely cold. As we are standing on the ice the sun was raising behind a mountain and the fresh snow glistering in the sun was gorgeous. We were so happy to be standing there that morning.
As we walked back to the car we met one of the maintainers of the hotel. He explained us how they made the rooms from a mall and how they got the ice-blocks from the lake and made them so smooth. Apparently the nurture a single patch of ice all year, making sure there is just the right amount of snow on top to grow the beautiful flawless ice. Then, after placing them, they give the blocks a nice touch-up with warm water to create the clear and smooth surface.

That was quite a nice intermezzo before we drove back to Kiruna for some extra benzine and a lunch for on the road. We set out for Finland. It should only be a four-hour drive but since our experience last time we take no risk and head off on time with a wide margin. We’re heading for Äkäslompolo, a smallish city in the Finland part of Lapland. The drive is mostly uneventful, and we arrive pretty much on-time. We did pass through beautiful landscapes in Sweden. But as we finally entered Finland the dusk had set in. It is already quite dark and half of our party is asleep in the back as we arrive in Äkäslompolo. Here we are a bit overwhelmed by the abundance of light and activity. This is clearly a ski- and winter sport village. We learn that this is a very popular destination for the Fins to go langlaufing or do a bit of skiing. Not quite what we’re after with our trip but oh well, it might be a good place for the last few activities we’re going to do and the cabin we have for the next two nights is quite good.

It has two floors, kitchen, central fireplace and a sauna. Like a proper Finnish cabin is supposed to have. So we are quite content for now and after the short night and long journey we quickly agree to only do some basic shopping and get some pizza’s from the nearby pizza-place. The pizzas are alright, but we’re just glad we can relax now and can finally get some sleep. Tomorrow will be another bright and early day with a full-day activity.

So yeah, boring journal entry… might delete later. idk.